Quote of the day

söndag 12 oktober 2008

Dialc’s Omoun


Written by Peter Elvin




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-There was never a galactic Empire. There never were councils or warlords who governed over the widespread galaxies... The Omoun on the other hand does exist. The Omoun: an organic life form that engulfs itself in all things within it's reach.


Through interplanetary travel it has come to us three times in history and each time humanity has accepted it's offer. Three times has it shared it's knowledge with us, but for what?


-For knowledge, sir?


-No, It wants our resources; Our flora and fauna. It needs us. Each time humanity has offered people to the Omoun!


A wave of shock struck the four pupils in the classroom. The solitary girl among them responded with confidence. Her azure eyes contrasted with her freckled child's face.


-But that's sacrifice? Isn't that...


-Illegal? You tell that to the alien, Azalea. It is returning and this time I hope we will be ready so we can welcome it properly.


That was five years ago.


It was summer 2186, June 16th when the sun went into hiding behind the moon and stayed there for seven minutes. Richard was at the beach with Azalea when It went pitch black outside; they did not even know the the sun would grace them with an eclipse that day.


Just minutes earlier Rick was studying her slender silhouette against the feverish sun rays and now the source of light had indeed covered itself in a cloth of moon.


-Have you ever thought about it?


she gave him a puzzled look.


-About what, the moon? Don't be silly I won't be going to the colonies anytime soon.

-You should follow your dreams.


A feint smile spread across his lips.

-I follow my heart.


He ran his hand down the side of her body and they kissed under the eerie shadow of the moon.

Their minds drifted off into blur and soon anything remotely important was forgot in the moment.







Chapter 1


-Sir, I reckon my assistant should have sent you the papers.

-I haven't received them yet, fill me in.

-Subject name is Richard Hansson, Age Seventeen. Adopted a...

-Cut the crap, I'm not interested in his history, I'm interested in his present.

-Yes Sir. He's living with his Sister in San Fandango.

-Fandango? It's about time we payed him a visit; To the west coast.

-Sir, Fandango is on the east coast.

-I know, I need to stop by at wall mart and buy some pickles.

-You have an awful sense of humor.

-You watch your mouth, I make the calls here. Get me to the We...

-East coast?

-Yes, take me there.


Rick and Azalea mounted themselves on his Hover-bike. Rick was a amateur racer, and he was good at it. "Never a dull moment, unless it's for preparation" was a motto he carried with pride.


It didn't take long to get off the highway and to his home. His single story house was on the outskirts of the city, still it carried all the modern up to date technology such as laser contained particle screens LCPS, a very recent version of Moditech modern homes AI and many other necessities.


Azalea and Rick climbed the stairs to the door, hands clasped in unison. The usual pain free recognition algorithm worked it's magic, matching iris, smell, voice to the daily updated DNA prediction profile. The door slid open, a simple mechanism, two finely curved metal plates curved to right and left and one uniform square slid straight up revealing the hall. A soothing voice greeted them once they stepped inside.


-Welcome home Richard. Your sister left a message for you. She is in town to buy some things for diner tonight.

-Yea, yea. She probably snuck out to a party as always.

-I'm sorry. I'm not programmed to make educated guesses, should I contact the Seekers?


Azalea looks up from studying some photos on a nearby bench


-Is she always like that?

Unaware of his girlfriends question -Negative, do not contact the Seekers.


Azalea walks up behind Rick and taps him on the right shoulder -Is she? Rick turns his head around to meet her piercing eyes. -Melissa? No, only when I'm not at home.


She cuddles up right next to him leaning against him, chin over chest, clinging to his young masculine body.


-Your never home.

-Hey you tease, that's because I'm with you. You pretty much suck up all time I have, except work.

-Bricky Rick, you don't have work.

-Do too, I need to take care of you. Somebody has to do the dirty work.


She retract from him like an opposite side magnet. -Watch you mouth, or I'll suck that up as well.

-Try it, I dare ya.


A confusion of anger and irritation caught between the glare of their eyes. Suddenly Rick looks as if he's about to lose his mask, and then as if a chain reaction, she does as well. At the same time, both burst into uncontrolled laughter.


It was still bright outside so they decided to order some luxurious food from the menu that the house provided and then move to the porch. They both sat down and Rick filled up two glasses of a very classy red Malbec from 2008 a whine from Argentina that took root in society shortly after the millennial shift.


Azalea was a whine expert, she knew everything about whine, and Rick knew what kinds she enjoyed. Normally she was quite modern in her taste for it but she just couldn't understand what made Malbec so exquisite.


While slowly digesting the food and drinking their whine they watched as the night sky consumed them. They were silent for most of the time, only sometimes breaking into short mindless conversations about everything between heaven and hell.


Suddenly Azalea breaks the silence. -Do you remember professor Daedalus and his classes?

Rick recites -"There was never a galactic Empire. There never were councils or warlords who governed over the widespread galaxies" Or something like that...

-Yes, yes exactly, do you believe in his talk about the Omoun?

-Does it matter? It's not like we have anything to do with it.

-Don't be so ignorant. This is big, the entire world is talking. It's coming here, the scientists predict it will be here in a few weeks.

-Your afraid your going to lose me?

-No I'm not afraid, It's just that... She looks away

-Just what?

-Daedalus told me something; something that I've kept to myself, I think it's time for you to hear it. Slightly annoyed by her secrecy he peers into the sky -I thought you were honest, turns out I can't trust anyone these days.

-Just listen to me.

He stands up.

- Take it tomorrow, it's late; I'm gonna go inside and grab some shuteye.


They accompanied each other inside and was quick to go to bed. They almost instantly fell asleep from the exhaustion from their daytime activities and also because of the mildly intoxicating alcohol they drank earlier.


-What was that sound? Azalea woke up by a whispering voice. -Did you hear it as well?


She rubbed her eyes from under the sheet, still recovering from her dreamland, slowly regaining vision. Rick had already dressed himself. He gestured for her to remain silent and closed up next to her and whispered in her ear -I'm gonna go check it out. And gave her a kiss on her cheek and then he was off before she could understand what was happening. "Was this a robbery?" she fantasized and rolled over to face the wall and closed her eyes once more "Probably not" was the last thought that traveled her mind as she slowly transcended into her dreamland once more.

Her dreams were always colorful and happy, her thoughts was rarely troubled by nightmares or bad things but this night was different for when she woke up she knew it. She felt really ill that morning, head throbbing, hands shaking.

-Darling you're white as a ghost. Blank eyes stared back at Richard, cold, almost lifeless, the heavy breathing and the squinting of the eyelids did tell a tale of life within her facial expressions. It wasn't a happy tale but she was alive, not a ghost of that much he could be certain.

-I saw it Rick. I could feel it's presence, watching us.

Doubtful, he put the pieces together -It was only a nightmare hun, here, trust me. He comforts her with a warm hug, over her shoulder he continues -Is this what you were going to tell me yesterday?

-No, I didn't know..

-Know what?

-That it's already here. She hugged him tighter, a tear starting to accumulate in the corner of her left eye. -I will never leave you Aza... Even if we would be worlds apart I will always find you, because I know where my heart is. Now tears were pouring out, Rick knew that no casual nightmare could inflict such grief upon her.


The door to their bedroom opened -Aren't we the cute couple? Come on, I've prepped breakfast for ya sleazy old-timers. They knew this routine. Always home whenever she felt like it but also always the first out of bed in the morning. Energetic little Melissa had entered the room.




There's a stranger by the table in the kitchen. ( make it feel like it's important, keep readers on the edge of their seats and then just juice it out of 'em once they realize it's Melissa's latest pick-up one nighter or something like that. He's been into the garage, looking through stuff, perhaps trying out Ricks hover-bike ? Rick is angry, but forgiving. )