Quote of the day

söndag 24 februari 2013


When you are like me.. largely disorganized in large quanteties of time you amount a bunch of random texts scattered throughout your phone, text documents on the computer with titles that bare no relation to the subject or with notes everywhere. In my scraps series on this blog I just type down stuff that I found while looking around.

"Remember to be god."

"All hell might break loose, but I'll be there to stop it."

"One sip will lead to more and then you are broke."


"I have no need to befall evil upon thee ... for it is said in legend that you shall perish by my hands."

"Seriously though, that thought does go through my mind."

"It's also helpful when your anger decreases the speed of light." (Quote from forum).

"Just gonna stand there and watch me turn?" (Warewolf Eminem remix).

"It's all about the flavours. A person who likes a lot of flavors has a richer experience of life."

"I'm standing in a sea of understanding, yet like Yin and Yang, I'm the spot that makes the difference"

Signed, Mireneye

måndag 18 februari 2013


That ghastly shriek was right there, as if sound could touch your soul.
The walls, brimming with the vibrant yet cold paint of a deadly echo.

Sentient apparitions, barely even scratching the membrane of our reality..

Driving us ever closer to the edge of our sanity...