Quote of the day

onsdag 27 maj 2015

In the light of fire!

Amazing photoghrapher Zion once again, this time capturing the moment with me after the years first outside bath, in light of fire: http://zionfoto.blogspot.se/2015/05/i-eldens-sken_27.html

Signed, Mireneye

onsdag 20 maj 2015

I am the artist, I am the force. I'm the engineer building life outside the box!

I spit out a lot of fancy words. I try to sound educated hiding behind lingusitics and the ways different things can be interpreted. But why?

Why do I linger on finding and sharing meaning in what I write? Am I just flexing my artistic mucles? am I flexing my mind, showing off my verbal skills?

Am I in a hunt for appreciation?

Appreciation is a powerful drive. It can drive someone mad. It can lift you into a kind of higher gear. Sometimes breaking you apart, sometimes healing.

It's likely the majority of my insecureties all loop back upon the moment in life when I was about seven years old when a teacher told me "You will never become anything in life".

Today, I would spit on her grave & tell her that I have lived a life more fulfilling than she would ever know.

I've grown. I'm a force. I'm an artist. I'm the engineer building life outside the box.

The box was not big enough.

The world is my playground.

If I could give you one thing. A single hint at life. I would tell you now that The world doesn't wait for you. It will run away, it will hide. It will try to be outside your grasp. It will tear itself away from you.

It's like that friend of yours teasing you, poking you. Laughing kind of at you.

Know that you are powerful, you can laugh back. You can tease back, you can poke at life.

This life of yours so precious. It's yours to play with. So take it to the mountains, take it to the sea. Take it where it wants to be. Be it in the arms of a lover. Be it on the shores of philosophy and thought.

Life can be the best playmate you ever had. Make it so!

måndag 18 maj 2015

Check out these new amazing fire poi pictures!

As promised earlier this year, I had some things cooking. First up some pictures from a very talented photographer, go check her out and give us some feedback on these goodies. Much love.


Signed, Mireneye

söndag 3 maj 2015

Manifesto to life

Strive to be an extension of what's around you

Whenever possible, leave things in a better condition than when you found them

Listen to the world, assent your desires & respect your kindred

Reap and sow, love is bountiful

Embrace you, you are holistic only in accepting your light & dark

Learn constructively from change & challenge, succsessful or not

When you burn with any emotion or thought, allow yourself time and commit to 
fully burn

Our expression is unique together

Aspire for a balance of strong goals and being open for the unplanned adventure