Quote of the day

tisdag 18 augusti 2015

Life efficiency

Ever heard the expression that the simplest explanation is most often correct? 

I hear it from time to time. But never stopped to thing "Why?". Why is it so? Is it so that we like to keep things simple? is it because the avarage human just doesn't think things through and would most likely not analyze the end result anyways and so we see no need to over complicate.

Is it because complications in and by themselves lead to confusion. Confusion leading to misunderstanding. Misunderstanding leading to bad juju.

Is it because if we complicate the required skill to perform the task at hand we set the bar to high.

Yes, yes to all of the above.

Is it because we are lazy? Nope. It's because we like to be efficient. Not everyone, but the avarage human likes efficiency.

Does the theorem then hold that "The simplest explanation is most often correct because it's the most efficient way to archive task X"

Yes, yes I would say so.

What then becomes our reasoning behind complicating life? Why do we spend so much time being inefficient with how we derive pleasure and well being from something as fundamental as being a living, eating and breathing organism?

Heck if I knew. I look at so many people, all over the world making things difficult for themselves. I do it too of course but I try to live simply so that I may simply live and so should you.

Just figure out, what do you actually need to be happy in life. Then decide how to reach it. Set a date. Not tomorrow or next week. An actual physical number.

As you go to sleep let the thought of it burn into your mind. Work towards making it real. Put at least a thought to it every day.

Don't be lazy, be efficient. Find the simplicity of living end enjoy!

Signed, Mireneye

fredag 7 augusti 2015

I'm in love, With the world at my feet

I'm in love

I'm in love with a talented someone, a bright someone. A brutally honest but good natured, feet on the ground head in the clouds someone

I'm in love with a voice, a smile a touch

I'm in love with the playful games we play

And the wondrous journey we've walked

The things we've talked

I'm in love

With the curious things you say

And the curiosity we share

I'm in love

Deeply like the oldest stillsome forest

Wildly like a storm on the horizon

I'm in love

With the world at my feet

And one foot too deep

I'm in love

 And damn it feels good