Quote of the day

måndag 9 juli 2018

The lies I told

And worst of all is that I believe in the lies that he tells me.

Always. he tells me "Always." when asked if he would stay with me to watch the end of the world.

To be witness to my fall. But no.

He never did, and still I believed. I believed in someone who smiles in the rain."

"Perhaps he smiled because my skirt was all wet, perhaps he smiled because the way i looked, stumbling into him. Or the way my makeup ran down my face. All i know is that it was a smile, a lie, belonging to a person I would follow anywhere, until today."

"What is special about today you ask? Well if you don't know, I'm not really too keen on telling you. All you have to know is that the lies began and will end with me, today. After the gift that is today is unwrapped, everything will become a mystery for someone else to stumble upon. With this final note, I'm done."

"It's been five years. That smile still haunts me everytime I look into the mirror. The greatest lie I told myself was that by ridding myself of the past, I could be free. Little did I know that the holding cell kept my mind moreso my body."

"I died twice, I lived one life for myself and one for my dream. What is left now? What have become of me? I found some old notes I don't even remember writing. The writings match my style perfectly, so they must be mine. I've asked father. But he remains silent, like always. Glorious bastard that he is, ever since that day."

"I found a rock with your name written on it. No I mean it, your name, as if written by your hand but that can't be. You are so far away and I'm only as close as you told me to be. If you're here that means... you've found my old texts. Did someone give them to you? Was it a tall, dark haired man? This can't be, yet it's perfect. Exactly like something he would do."

"I believed in him once more when he said he was dying. He gave me everything, his house, his car, access to all of his money, his internet codes. This was the dream. It was lonely but it was appropriate. Who else, his family? His wife? No.. He trusted me more than anyone. Was this just another sham?"

"And so I smiled through this twisted fantasy of his. And so I saw him every day in the mirror. His lies alive through me. I was just a suit carried by him, and I believed myself to be free, until you came along."

"Speaking to you now has made it all very clear to me. If you are here it means he has succeeded. The dark haired man knows that you will read this, he knows that you know that you are next and there is nothing to do about it.

Just believe and smile while the tears fall down your face."