Quote of the day

söndag 15 februari 2015

Feeling the magic

It was a night of triumphs in three parts. One part was the unfettered joy of being connected to all of you again. Another is the joy of knowing I've reached rock bottom. With nothing to loose, there is only one way forward. The third triumph is not quite so easy to explain. It is equally part of both but neither come close.

The third triumph is one belonging to the thought of a child. If you close your eyes you may feel it linger in the youngest crevice of your soul. It's the imagination of watching magic unfold for the first time, a phenomenon you can't explain. It is the triump belonging to hope that grows from purity of emotion. So pure, perfect and undeniably outside our grasp. If not for our fondest memories, and our greatest archivements.

Some people live entire lives without ever realizing such things. I've been happy to have experienced it many a times, one may call me lucky.

Never the less the last triump never stays for long. It's a flash, a feeling to fair to hold on to. And why would you? It's fragile and may break at the slightest touch, may crash and crumble upon a glance to long. Leaving you with an empty memory; Not more than another event in an otherwise ordinary and boring life. This triump is only great, because others are not.

Everyone who knows me, know that I have always believed that I'm here to do great things. Call it hubris if you want. But I never bothered to explain but to a handful of what great things I meant. Maybe I didn't know? maybe I still don't know.

But I know this.

The light is meant for everyone, It is a resource in abundance.
It's the damdest thing,

Waking up realizing that today is the day I change the world.

So when I say I'm here to do great things. I'm not doing them for me. I love feeling empowered, I love feeling that I can entertain. I love sharing. But that is also where it stops.

Where I stop... YOU begin.

Without you, everything is finite. Ambition without purpose.

But together we create, express and live magically. Infinitely.

Live for the triumphs, dare to challenge yourself. Inspire the mirror and reflection will pay aplenty.

It was a night of triumphs in three parts. As the third fades, its's brethren show me the way to my next stop, on this grand stage.

Signed, Mireneye
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