Quote of the day

söndag 27 november 2011

Awakened by the swaying flame

Today has been sloooooow, much like any day at work after a real party evening. The day so gently began with water being poured over my head, oh wait. That was yesterday, nevermind.

I'm writing this very much like that writing style I read about on wikipedia. I can't for my life remember the name but you are supposed to write your thoughts exactly as they come. No editing. Simply raw thoughts. A creative outlet.

What? umm... Have you ever wondered about stupidity? not only why people are stupid or do stupid things but also why people who are usually good and smart end up doing those kind of things anyhow? I have. No anlaysis, just think about it ok.

Crazy life I'm living. I have so many things I need to do atm, but it feels good since I have the time I need to tackle them. I should plan my chaos a bit for the coming months. It will be great.

My parents got a new dog. They call him "Stickan", I think he's name should be "Oliver". But hey, not my call. He just looks like an "Oliver" to me.

Had only a few moments of sporadic sleep. Yet I'm not very sleepy at the moment, gonna go down town in a few hours and meet up with some people and drink glögg. Gonna be sweet!

Btw doesn't it annoy you how people make funny voices talking to small kids and animals? I can understand if you are going to joke around with them but not all the time, for every reason you have to talk to them. It's just stupid imo. I make noises, weird ones but it's because It's funny seeing the reaction of the animal in question.

The title was just like the rest of this text pulled from my mind and bears no meaning. I remember writing a song text years ago that included that particular line.


Signed, Mireneye

fredag 25 november 2011

Time flies

I was gonna write something quite extensive here. I'm now thinking that will have to wait. I've come to understand how much time can simply fly and how much can happen within a short timespan.

It's a wicked world. But nothing a looong shower can't fix.

Signed, Mireneye

tisdag 22 november 2011

Mother Earth

I've never been particularily spiritual or connected to supernatural things. I've always wanted these things to exist and been practically hunting for such things in my younger years.

But that is beside the point.

Just wanted to clear up these things. I'm much more of a free thinker, open yet sceptic.

However there is one thing that I always come back to. I find it soothing to believe and it's not that far from a truth anyhow that I have two mothers. One is my birthmother and the other one is mother nature.

It's funny that the entire world at the moment are acting like unresponible children, making our mother sad, revolting and living against her.

But everyone knows it's easier if you could get along with your mother. Some people could of course never do that because of various reasons.

But look beyond that! Earth needs us. And i'm going to be bold and speak the truth. It's not for us, it's not for future generations. It's for EVERYTHING. It encompasses all living things. Every pesky little bacteria to the largest organisms, we are killing the miracle that is life!

Are we all then, collectively speaking, killers?

Well yes and no.
There's very few of us who can say they are completely innocent. But they try changing a system that is so deeply rooted that people completely ignore the fact that; If we don't solve them then they will eventually reach the point of no return.

The people enforcing this system should have a coinscience as dark as depths of the sea. You don't rape your own mother (sorry for the strong language), but you just don't. It's wrong.

I'm not a saint myself but I can tell you one thing. I believe in humans, we can do something great. I can't, you can't. But we can!

As collectively as we have been killing mother, so can we also heal her soil.

Take care my friends.
Embrace mother kindly, she needs us.

Signed, Mireneye

fredag 11 november 2011


I woke up this morning on a really bad mood, a slow mood. Today I don't feel like doing anything at all.. but I should.

There are words I have said that I should keep to, they mean a lot to a dear friend of mine. First things first, I'm working on getting in contact with any of the people who were also going to help this friend of mine today.

The problem is my borrowed phone is out of battery and it takes forever to charge. And I need it like.. naow!

So cold today.
Not my day.

Signed, Mireneye

måndag 7 november 2011

A thing of beuty

Look at the stars how infinitely they have spread, see the clouds how flawlessly they wander.
Feel the rain as it pours over you and soaks your clothes. Fascinate over a candle lit room and the graceful dance of the flames.

Mesmerize over the lamp posts in the shroud of night and the fullmoon glowing eerily bright.
It's a thing of beuty to be alive, to live in this world this body of mine.

A thing of beuty I'd like to share so hold me tight and let us stare.
Endless things we have yet to see, a thing of beuty for you and me.
