Quote of the day

söndag 27 november 2011

Awakened by the swaying flame

Today has been sloooooow, much like any day at work after a real party evening. The day so gently began with water being poured over my head, oh wait. That was yesterday, nevermind.

I'm writing this very much like that writing style I read about on wikipedia. I can't for my life remember the name but you are supposed to write your thoughts exactly as they come. No editing. Simply raw thoughts. A creative outlet.

What? umm... Have you ever wondered about stupidity? not only why people are stupid or do stupid things but also why people who are usually good and smart end up doing those kind of things anyhow? I have. No anlaysis, just think about it ok.

Crazy life I'm living. I have so many things I need to do atm, but it feels good since I have the time I need to tackle them. I should plan my chaos a bit for the coming months. It will be great.

My parents got a new dog. They call him "Stickan", I think he's name should be "Oliver". But hey, not my call. He just looks like an "Oliver" to me.

Had only a few moments of sporadic sleep. Yet I'm not very sleepy at the moment, gonna go down town in a few hours and meet up with some people and drink glögg. Gonna be sweet!

Btw doesn't it annoy you how people make funny voices talking to small kids and animals? I can understand if you are going to joke around with them but not all the time, for every reason you have to talk to them. It's just stupid imo. I make noises, weird ones but it's because It's funny seeing the reaction of the animal in question.

The title was just like the rest of this text pulled from my mind and bears no meaning. I remember writing a song text years ago that included that particular line.


Signed, Mireneye
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