Quote of the day

söndag 14 april 2013

Far reach of the soul

I think a lot of us have wondered about life and especially how we ended up where we are today. How such amazing complexity can bring about such intricate and wonderful experiences is rather quite baffling.

Additionally a lot of us have pondered openly unjudged by sceptics wether our paths through life are pre-determined or not. I know I have. There's even some really solid quantum physics that proves that free will exists (if a thing such as solid quantum physics really do exist) more than being a manifestation of our search to understand.

In a way that's a universal truth for most of humanity. A lot of our answers are simply that, manifestations of truth.

I'm here to offer an alternative that dawned upon me last week.

I was just casually scouring the vast reaches of the internet, commenting on a profound piece of sentiment I found on a very well known social site:

"There is still that part of me, hidden very far away, that wonders what life would be like if I hadn't stayed in SFO, and had gone back to Sacramento, or never left in the first place.

Then I realized that none of this would be, and all of this is me.

This got my neurons all types of fired up.

I have oft believed that If it wasn't for some specific events in my life I would not have been where I am today. But today I'm less certain this is true. I think, maybe my being would still have found similar ground, would still have threaded similar pathways.

And I can somewhat see the possibility that life is a hybrid between a predetermined base and many different iterations along similar paths all beginning at the base.

If we stop to talk about the physicality of things, further questions arise, like:
Is staying really so different from moving? Relativity and space...

How far does a "soul" need to travel from the base to loose all of it's original being? I think you will find yourself answering something along the line of "probably very long".

If that rings true in any form to you, then I rest my case.

But how about an example to explore two different iterations. For simplicity we have one path leading to poverty and one leading to riches.

Some would say these properties would make a world of difference, but in the end this difference is incredibly small. Their worth is a manifestation of our truth, the currency weight so little and all of it is part of this planet. It's just matter changing forms. So while this might be a huge change for you, to everything it is small... unimportant.

I'm on the verge of making this sound like something bad. On the contarary! some would argue, the less important it is to the universe the more important it is to you. Case in point, arguably a rockstar is more to the universe(again a construct by us) but not as important as your best friends.

In the end this is left in the hands of what personal values you have. For instance, to some everything else will be important... I'm just making an example.

My mind is screaming at me at this point that I have to reinforce that we are also part of the universe and it is a part of us. Something I entierly agree with.

But I have to bring things on a personal level to be able to make examples we can relate to. I would ask you to try to apply this logic on higher concepts yourself, but I think it might give just about anyone a hard time. I know I struggled to explain all this.

So there you have it, an example of how even a fairly large personal change doesn't really change that much. It's a construct. Things change but...

The far reach of the soul travels not much longer from it's origin than an apple falling from it's tree.
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