Quote of the day

tisdag 28 maj 2013

After hours - the LA chronicle part one

I'm typing this off my phone so bare with me.

Travelling scares me, but no, not in any normal sense. Not in the oh I'm going to die, get robbed or loose all my money way. Neither does not knowing what to do next scare me. No. What scares me is time.

All that blank space that needs to be filled, correction. You are forced to fill, if you don't; you will be left with a sore behind and a profound deprivation of interaction.

So what do I do to quench this inner desire of mine to pass time quickly? You could be lucky like me and end up with a nice Swedish dude who you can converse and make jokes with most of the trip. The rest of the time I spent with my backup plan, aka the psvita.

When I arrived in LA I realized I had forgotten to figure out how to call people, the neccesary country codes and what not. So for the third time in my life, I'm stranded at an airport.

Suffice to say, I've been there before.

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