Quote of the day

torsdag 1 maj 2014

Mireneye caged

Circumstances can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.

At the moment the thing that consistently brings me back to broadcasting at the moment is my will to be consistent and my will to someday reach my goals. And the icing on the top is meeting up with all of you sweet and awesome people who I love so much, those who have supported our vision so far, you know who you are. A heartfelt thank you.

I'm at a crossroads. Yet I really only see one path ahead of me. I'll just have to keep going, I've been slacking off, taken breaks, been inconsistent in my presentation so taking a break would not be an option for me. It has so far proven to be incredibly counter productive.

The circumstance as they are. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.. I don't feel I do anything differently. I upgraded the graphics, but that I think hardly changed anything.

So is it my fault? likely not. But could be.

Is it your fault then for not being active? Of course not. It's just that because the overall atmosphere falls silent and un-inspiring the circumstances are clearly at fault.

It's an odd mood I'm in. I'm full of spirit I'm full of energy and I'm very grateful. I'm doing so much progress in so many places in life. Yet the place where I put down most time and most of this energy is the place that seems to just have ground to a halt. It's not completely still, and there is nothing inherently wrong with the standstill. It's comfortable hanging out and talking and having fun with you all. I love you for being there with me.

The way I see it it's the same stew all over, every day at the moment. I need to add some spice to it somehow and I don't know what because at the end of the day the stew is not the problem.

It's just that the circumstances have caged me in my growth.

"And I don't like that sort of thing"

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