Quote of the day

måndag 3 april 2017

Childish mind!

Hello people,

It's been a while has it not? I thought it time for a much needed update.

Life seems like a series of rhythms sometimes. Sometimes these rhythms are pleasant, sometimes less so. Right now I'm barely following the quick succsession in which everything is happening at.

Beloved friends to me have huge changes in life.

And I'm pushing hard to find the balance of destiny and work. Nestled inbetween I have the much dreaded paperwork. And honestly if there is ONE thing that keeps eating away at me it's the paperwork.

I really, really don't like paperwork.

And that's not from lack of trying. I've had plenty of chances to revisit and try to get better at it. Right now it's barely managable, as even in writing this I just know I'm two days behind on a paper I have to turn in.

I'm actually honestly not sure how I would have even survived in a pre-computer era. And I'm not sure why I can't do these things digitally in this day and age. Sigh.

The paper abovementioned is normally ok to be late with, It just means some processes will be delayed but there is no real penalty to it, other than the papers take roughly two weeks to process so it's best to do it as early as possible.


Let me tell you some things about my general mood lately. I've felt a shift in my personality for quite a while now. I've become more confident when I have energy but I have a counter reaction when I'm out of energy, sometimes. And it's become stronger over the course of a few months. And this can shift pretty easily if something influences my energy level. Like certain comments or food intake, etc.. It's odd for someone who's usually so level-headed.

Since it's me, you expect some wise or otherwise cheery silver lining to this post & I won't fail you on this account.

I see this as something positive. It's a step towards accepting emotions and widening my range of understanding.

And maybe it's simply a result of growing into a position where certain people, and certain situations around me just matter more. As my confidence grows more things are at play and I take upon myself greater tasks or ask more of myself. It's a growth I'm ready to face.

But I will not betray you childish mind. You will always be there, I will always play. But it might be time you and me both, started playing with bigger toys.

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