Quote of the day

tisdag 27 december 2011

Facebook artist page is up!


Enjoy my new facebook artist page at:
Artist page

I also refurbished the youtube page, videos will follow:
Youtube page

Signed, Mireneye

onsdag 21 december 2011

Dreaming big!

"Never stop believing, never stop dreaming. If one dream doens't work out, you weren't dreaming big enough!"

Simply me!

Desperate I tried not to loose
But my mind held me by a noose

My nomad soul, imprisoned tight
To this fiction - of emotional might

Behind closed eyelids I made it right
Waking up deciding to fight

Lika a drug I had to shrug
cast away this awful rug

I've returned to soar so high
The one and only Mireneye

tisdag 20 december 2011


Today I decided so much more then I planned on while waking up.

I'm awake and Mireneye is back. Nothing can hold me down.
This is the second time in months I have felt whole. Reunited with myself.

I'm ready to start.
Start something new.

Ready to spread the happyness around me!

If you let your dreams come true, then happyness will follow you! It's time to dream again, dream big, and I will see you soon!

Signed, the "real" Mireneye

onsdag 14 december 2011

Summoned tide needs 600 votes!

This is the time to show that great music has to be supported! And it is your mission to vote.

Vote Summoned tide!


Signed, Mireneye

söndag 11 december 2011

Love and lusts

As much as I like loving somebody and as much as I endulge and enjoy the process of sharing that special bond I'm simply not convinced It's something I want at this moment in life.

I've been at this crossroads before. It's a path that has been open to me before yet there is one possibility I've yet had the pleasure to traverse.

I've been a great lover and I know the good things I can do. There is however one part of my lineage I have not tapped into. A part I'm going to embrace for the forseeable future.

This is not me changing as it is an exploration of myself and the endless things that I can do. Not like a whole new chapter but as a paragraph in my story.

The journey is long and I'm as always humble for having such amazing friends who act as guiding light on my travel through the world and through myself.

Thank you. Fortune be with you my friends!

Signed, Mireneye

torsdag 8 december 2011

Day of the burdened mind

I know I should dedicate some time to typing up what fun transpired two days ago. It will have to wait a little bit longer because I'm not in the mood today.

A day such as this comes from time to time. A day when all I seem to think about are the memories shared between me and a very special someone. I miss those times, I'd be a fool to say otherwise but I'm also a fool for saying it. Things are going so smooth at the moment and I don't want these feelings to ruin it.

It began before I even opened my eyes with a dream of the past, revisiting old fond memories. Gradually throughout the day the feelings have progressivly beaten upon the wall I put up as defence and at the moment anything I do seem to take me back.

A good day I can look back at these memories, laugh and be content with it, but at days like these I'd rather not remember it at all.

Going to hit the sack real soon. Tomorrow is a new day, knowing myself, i'll kick back into a positive gear by then.

Today my head and body feels heavy, at times tears almost forming in my eyes. I have to find the strength to learn and grow even in conditions as dire as these.

Signed, Mireneye

måndag 5 december 2011

A flame too far

Woke up at around ten something from my phone ringing with my lovely tune ^^ It was my old flame, like a ray of sunlight she woke me up and damned if she didn't give me half of her energy over the phone. I made haste to wash up and get dressed and then I hitched a ride down town to meet up with her.

We went to the store and bought some stuff. Reminding myself here and now that I have chocolate cream at her place. And then we proceeded to get to her place by buss.

Started a movie, she was too tired so she took off into her room to catch some shut-eye. I finished watching the movie and proceeded as instructed to wake her up. At her short waking she gave a new order, for the next fourty minutes she wanted more sleep. I recall just laying next to her listening to her breath, getting reminded of how much it soothes my mind. Such a small thing.

I also had time to think. I understand her much better now. I accept that she does not feel the same way any more. Something I coudn't bring myself to accept earlier. Stupid perhaps but I'm not particularily smart when it comes to these things. I also pondered the idea of relationships and I'm not sure It's what I want right now.

I wondered for a while if I could ask her the question of "why we couldn't fix things?" or "don't you think you could love me again". I did not however. silly questions. But I type them down here as I need to vent.

After a few, maybe twenty minutes of trying I was able to jolt some life into her.

Then she got dressed, a common friend of ours came by and they got ready for the gym. In short we split up. It all ended on a quite bad note. My curiosity and drive are sometimes a bit too strong for my own good. I poked around a bit to much asking this common friend what was wrong, he seemed down and I don't want him to be down and I have a tendancy to think that sharing helps. And that I can help.

Needless to say I poked to hard and in retrospect now owe him an apology. My old flame reminded me later that I should be more careful when people are down.

I met up with another friend waiting at the door, she was texting me earlier asking if she could borrow my microwave and cutlery and being the time optimist I'am I said "yes, of course you can". We got inside and she heated her food and I started the arcade dance machine I have standing next to the sofa, planning to play 'til my legs would give in. A very difficult task, concidering my recovery rate and stamina and willpower.

She accidenitally spilled her food on the floor, so I got the oven going and started making garlic bread for her whilist playing. She took good care of cleaning her mess ^^

After nearly two hours and an ending push of epic proportions I finally fell to the ground. Only to get up and play a final song and then I could finally get my well earned shower. And by that time she had left and two other friends had dropped by.

And here I sit now, clean, typing this very text. Thinking and philosophing about life. Talking to people on facebook.

Time to play some real games, not the geeky dance thingawamojang.

Signed, Mireneye

söndag 4 december 2011

Dirty mind

Remember, remember the size of my member
The pounding of pussy so hot
I see for no reas'n
Why the pussy pounding pleas'n
Should ever - be - forgot