Quote of the day

tisdag 12 juni 2012

The lost diary: Part one

Day one, 05-03-2012

I woke up, early in the morning around the same time as my friend Xidor, having promised him I would help him to load todays batch of QLTR onto a truck to be distibuted.
Waking up that day was about as hard as getting a rock to dance polka. That morning I felt horrible and I would rather have stayed under the confort of my sheath, but oh well, a promise is a promise and I'm happy I was able to dance polka after a few initial dodgy steps in the early morning hour.

We took the buss downtown to get the Europecar truck.

While downtown we stopped at Preem to get a quick snack. We ended up waiting 25 minutes while they were fixing the cash register. We were getting terribly late.

While waiting Xidor decided to get the truck, I stayed there, talking to the people behind the counter.

Xidor finally returned and we set off for the press where they print QLTR and many other papers. On location we were informed that the paper would not be avaliable until 02:00 sen PM. Such a huge drag!

We made our way back to culture house KF Kretsen to diliver the bad news.

At Kretsen I had a lengthy talk to Kari, I've never seen her so stressed out, I think I was able to
give at least a tiny bit of comfort, and if so I'm happy I could.

I accompanied Kari and the others to culture lunch. Thought I could snug it in before having to clean for the roleplay session of the night. The topic of the day was mostly concerning "Scharinska" and how it's always been the frontier of odd culture. In my honest opinion "Scharinska" needs to be closed down for a time and given a small makeover to make it more fresh. But I absolutely think Umeå should keep it. It just needs a bit of love.

After the pleasant but maybe a bit long winded culture lunch I went to the store to buy something for the nights roleplaying session. My mind, tabula rasa as it was at the time concerning what treats to bring to the table I was happy to find Angelinn at the store.

Angelinn, first time I met her was before going to Finland to purchase the arcade dance machine that now resides in my apartment. They both work and take care of Rent a wreck, Umeå.

My mind blank as it was, already struggling to find something tasty, so I figured I'd ask her about advice.

She reccomended getting nachos, fresh guacamole and baby carrots and cucumber. Having never actually tried that combination, hell I never even tried guacamole and I kind of don't get the idea with avocade but I thought why the hell not? She was happy I took her advice, saying people rarely do.

And again I'm DAMN happy I did. It was the freshest,tastiest thing since chocholate bacon chip cookies in 2008. Aside from the "freshest" part, this was defnietly "fresher".

When we exited the store more or less in unison I told her about my futre trip to the US and I showed her what I was going to do there (poi) and even got her to try some. I think she could learn it pretty damn well. There's definietly potential there.

You know, on a sidenote It's weird, last time I met Angelinn was also on QLTR paper dilivery day.

When I got home Chi called me and cancelled because she had promised some friends that she was going to play Mahjong with them, ok, then Jew (another friend of mine) had to work so we ended up not playing any pnp roleplaying games that day. Oh well.

I decided to go to thursdag practice at hamnis instead


Day two. 06-03-2012

I don't remember how I woke up but I woke up with LOTS of energy so I decided to do some cleaning.

Later that day I played ITG at my place with Manny (another made up name for the blog). Lots of fun! I think I have a picture of it somewhere. I will dig it up and update the post later.

I kept playing until later that evening when Zion, a female friend of mine came by. I grabbed a quick shower and then refurbished the bed into a sofa-ish setup. We watched the movie "Homeward bound" and cuddled and hugged, it was super sweet.

We shared the guacamole and the nachos from yesterday and after the movie was done we talked and I followed her the majority of the way home in the refreshing but cold rain. When I came home I crashed in my sofa with a wide smile on my face.


Day three. 07-03-2012

Messaged Chi about lunch downtown, she had just started preparing bread, and V was just about to slice a piece of cheese.
We decided to meet downtown at Café station. After a brief dicussion I grabbed V and had a good big hamburger at Frasses while Chi prepared Mahjong at the cafe.

When we got back we played Mahjong with V's sister and a girl I can't for my life remember the name of.

Quite early Sirn joined us and we played for, what was it.. six hours? Got a really mushy mind.
When we were done we all went to Megazone and had a bite. Planning our next step.

We also played some games at Megazone, I played some flipper with Sirn and then I tried the terminator game for the first time with Chi not too shabby I have to say! But she did own my ass, score wise, revenge my dear! It will rain down upon you!

We then decided to watch a movie at my place so we went by car to buy and collect some stuff, resulting in this over the top cool mix:
                                                    The cacti was especially tasty!

And a bonus pic of me preparing the quacamole:

We watched the movie Chronicle, don't ask, don't even read anythig about it and do NOT watch the trailer, it will ruin the entire movie! it's a good movie! Entertaining and different. That's all you have to know. Trust me. The ending is a bit cliché but meh, the ride is what's important.
After that we watched an episode of the anime "Eden of the east".

This reminded me so much of when I was young and watched anime with friends in Överklinten, sooo nostalgic and soo happy!


Day four. 08-03-2012

We finally got to start making roleplaying characters Kapow!


NOW. 13-05-2012

Sorry that this post was so long overdue. There was to much awesomeness happening at the same time but here it is finally, reporting from the US. These days meant the world to me. I love you all!

Mireneye over and out!

Signed, Mireneye
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