Quote of the day

tisdag 16 oktober 2012

Carving a path

Ever since I was handed the option to simply live I have done so. I'm one of those lucky who have had a family who have supported me and handed me an easy way through my early years.

I can not deny what has been and what is now and what that has made me into. But I can recognize it as something.

Something good and something bad.

I have come to rely to much on events happening around me and I've re-imagined them at most points to mean something good. The question then becomes if I should keep doing this because it is working for me, or If I should look beyond to see if there is even greener grass on the other side.

I would like to think I have lots of potential but a lot of it is unfortunately wasted. How so you might ask?
I have relatively few things going on in my life, effectively I should even be able to do a lot of things in a days work. But I retreat into the comfort of not doing many things at all except whatever comes to mind in the moment.

But why?

I'm 25 years old, carpe diem for fuck sake.

If I look at what I have archived in a year. This is what I can imagine in a 365 days span:
*I have trained maybe 50-100 hours?
*I have travelled halfway across the globe and back
*I have played games up to maybe 300 hours
*I have watched media up to maybe 100 hours

Addeded up that is activity for 1 hour and 20 minutes / day. The rest of the time is spent doing what exactly? Here's some of my activeties that will add up a lot of that time:
*3d graphics

I only have work every other week, this opens up for a lot of possebileties. Time I can use to perform many feats that others simply do not have the time to do, but I spend it, recovering for the next work week while what I could do are things I love to do that will naturally empower me.

Here's a list of things that naturally empower me:
*Film videos for my channels
*3d graphics
*Eating healthily
*Having a clean home

And so I have decided to try to again to plan my time and recapture the essence of what I can be. I have always been inspired, perhaps envious of great leaders. Or what I percieved as such when I was young. Figures such as Silver Fang and Riki comes to mind. But they are not prominent figures in a grown up life. I have others I look at that I can learn a lot from and so I will now embark upon a journey to learn such a feat.

I hope this can further add to my personality and empower myself to become more driven and more responsible. As long as I have a source of natural empowerment I can rely on that when I'm in a steep slope.

It is nigh time to carve my path!

What is your best tips to keep empowered and how do you plan your time? Leave me a comment below!

Signed, Mireneye
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