Quote of the day

onsdag 3 oktober 2012


It is growing more and more alien to me.

The way people argue, the way people speak. You speak as if you know anything - even when all we "know" is based on foundations we have created. It is perhaps best cited by ancient philosophy just how wrong we can be and how ironic such a statement is. The words might echo in you already "All I know is that we know nothing".

Sometimes I find myself in arguments and in the past I have protected my views taking pride in teachings I have trusted. That of family, of close friends. Sometimes that of the internet, wikipedia or even random people.

But we are wondrous machines made for great things and great errors and I've come to always try to reserve myself for the possebility of having cited or understood something the wrong way. Or in some matters, being simply misinformed or mislead.

People seem very clingy to their right to be the winning side of an argument. Indeed it might even seem like being "correct" is the only way to win an argument. And bare with me now, this is my opinion and I might change it any any moment. I like my views like that, transcendant, always taking new shapes. But is it not possible that you can "win" an argument not by being correct but by being the one who take a change of heart?

Surely that should feel just as good but society, being what it is has the gold, silver and bronze mentality ingrained so heavily into our minds that equality has deminished.

Some brightheads coined the term which has become a classic amongst deep arguments. One which is supposed to impose a ground which both parts can settle things upon. I'm sure you've encountered the term "You can have your opinion and I can have mine". This is in a way a lazy but incredibly convenient way to put things aside if you simply can not come to an understanding.

You agree to disagree.


I talked about this before with friends that I think that almost all problems in the world can be traced back to either one of these things.

*Not wanting to understand
*Twisted understanding

People misunderstand each other all the time. I recall one recent even in which quite obviously a person was seeking my attention and I was to wrapped up in something. And I failed to understand the importance. And the person failed to understand how to reach out to me.

Not wanting to understand often times can be attributed to pride, but also to many other things. Many of them deeply psychological. Not wanting to understand can also be a sign of someone being protective of their views about a certain things and they probably value it highly. I know at least one time I did not want to understand which had to do with religion and my ex. In retrospect, I was being incredibly silly. Not understanding is often times attributed to NOT WANTING to understand which in turn often times lead to quarrels or even wars.

Finally, twisted understanding is the manipulative evil brother of the above mentioned categories. It's an attribute I know. It was a road I walked unknowingly. A road I left long ago. If you ever felt compelled to something so much you will know what I mean. Twisted understanding is hearing one thing and interpretting it in a way that will twist things in your favor and using it intentionally againts people in different ways. We often twist things without realizing their destructive effects. This type can invoke anger, fear, tears. If used properly it might work for a time. But living a facade is not a way of life, not in my book.

I'm sure you have your own thoughts about what I just said, so please share them. I'd love to expand my understanding on this subject. Why people do not get each other baffles me even if I encounter and battle my own inability to level with people almost daily.

We know nothing. This is just my point of view, me finding a way through life, and if you so choose you can adapt or dismiss. Meanwhile I'l ready some garlic bread to celebrate our understanding.

Just some food for thought, speaking of food; Thinking makes me hungry.

Signed, Mireneye
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