Quote of the day

söndag 2 februari 2014

The journey so far...

"Carry on my wayward son. There'll be peace when you are done"

Sometimes I walk around and wonder when I'm done. Does the creative spirit never rest? Does it ever long for not having a sense of destiny or purpose? Is this just a remnant of that weak... old self. Or is it a new doubt that needs to be crushed?

I think I'm leaning towards the latter. In your pursue of greater things of course you hit a rough patch sometimes, does that mean you give up? FUCK NO! It means you get your shit together, as broken, disjointed and painful it may be and just push! Push until there is almost nothing left of you.

Because you know what? Like a muscle you'll grow stronger. As long as you don't snap. But let's be honest, keep your wits about you, and always take the best and positive aspects with you and your mentality should be fine through the gauntlet.

This gives me the possibility to be reborn from my own ashes.

I was offered the gift of the challenge and I'm going to use it to reinvent myself.
Over and over.

Day after day.. Ad infinitum.

Or until I'm satisfied with my result.

Signed, Mireneye

Post script: I referenced one tv series. one game and one trailer for a movie. See if you can catch them!
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