Quote of the day

torsdag 19 november 2015

Hexagonica Renascence #01 - Prolouge

Hexagonica Renascence is a remake of my old short story Hexagonica. I'm going to repost here, an explanation of the original Hexagonica. It's a difficult piece to fathom. You'll understand when you read it. And lastly I'll post the new prolouge. Enjoy!

In addition I will try to write an additional short story covering the fate of one of the planes at a later date. Time to reimagine this old story with sharper language, better dialouge and wittier banter, and even more mindbending complete insanity.

Before you move on, Hexagonica, while unique in it's multifacetted nature, in trying to be... everything and nothing bares heavy inspiration from the wicked and the weird. What kindled the spark this time is a mixture of the excellent Night Vale podcast and a healthy dose of sleep deprivation and lots and lots of dreaming; And dare I say a great deal of sexual explorations?

Hexagonica in a nutshell:
One of my most profound pieces is the story of Hexagonica. With Hexagonica I crafted a world to play with freely in which no convention or boundary was needed. I was sleep deprived, probably hadn't eaten correctly in days and been really deep into philosophy and had a decent mixture of odd influences from games and movies when I started to type the first words of the story.

But what is Hexagonica? It is the beginning of a universe. A story meant to portray a certain kind of advent chaos that we really could never begin to understand unless we extracted a chunk of it and present it in chosen pieces. Reading the true "Hexagonica" story would be the equivalent of trying to see a hypercube.

And as you may or may not know, we can only project a hypercube into three dimensional space to approximate it. The same goes with Hexagonica.

Hexagonica doesn't have compelling characters, and the story arch and ending is a mess. It has a few clichés. It's actually trash, from a conventional point of view.

Having read it several times and having it spark numerous philosophical debates I've come to realize that the nature of the story that is Hexagonica transcends that of the paper it's written on. There is almost always somebody pointing out a new reference or a new philosophical point I never intended and as such those people shape the story as they read.See when I wrote it there were no rules I just wrote whatever came to my mind. In the end it didn't need interesting characters. It was "deep" enough on it's own.

Hexagonia Renascence: Prolouge

The Wind of voices, the Speaker of heart and the Follower of pathless prose displayed a trinity force bent on the fabrication of the fates of Hexagonica.

The Wind, known for a pitch perfect hearing of all life and their conditions. Reimagine the laws of nature in accordance with reality.

The Speaker, a proponent of Chaos, a stringent rule of love in cosmic proportion.

The Follower, a poet of unpedictable patterns. Forger of unborn infinities.

A splash of void spread like poison through the Voice the Wind and the Words. Conjoining the trinity into a multi dimensional implosion.  At the end, matter was unmade. The singularity died. And nothing thrived.

Then Nothing realized that it could not exist for it's own existance was truly paradox.  Denying all logic, because here it was. Nothing. For infinities across various non spatial dimensions Nothing remained questioning if something would ever happen and it did.

-Rock, paper, scissor anyone?
It's own voice emitting into the void.

-I must be crazy...

-No you're not.
Came the reply.

In unison was spoken a voice of passion, a voice of creation and a voice of law.
-We are a trinity. We have been divided before. Do we not remember?

-If that is true, we must have sought the Final Death, where we assimilate and fade.

The Follower echoes
-My statement stands, the Final Death is a trick. There is no such thing. I have seen the end of infinity. We are that which make nothing whole.

-Will this continue forever
The Speaker asked.

-It never began so it will always be.
Their voices resonated.

-Before all this we were always one, then as infinity got smaller we became two. And now... Look at us. What happened?

-The memory is lost to us.

-Blast it. You're only endlessly old and already senile.

-Calm down the two of you. Join me in reimagining what happaned and this time we'll turn the tide of Hexagonica.
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