Quote of the day

söndag 22 januari 2012


This song and video remind me of many things. It reminds me of who I am, what I used to be. But also what I have made and continue to make people feel around me.

One of my top prioreties have been to make people happy, and I'm not joking if I tell you 2011 was the first year I realized just how hard that can be.

I think for a while I caved in to the difficulty level and I haven't quite been all that supportive and loving as I think I could have been.

2012 is gonna be all about new adventures! And I'm so excited that I get to share it with such beutiful people. With all the projects and ideas and crazy things happening in my life at the moment everything is just gonna unfold into hundreds of oppertuneties to walk on new ground. An exciting new chapter.

Let's have an beyond awesome year my friends!

Signed, Mireneye
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