Quote of the day

fredag 30 september 2011


It is not only the share brilliance of the story in Planescape: torment that enthralls me. It's also the true and awesome things that the characters say.

Tonight it fits so well.

"Endure. In enduring, grow strong" - Dak'kon

Not like this dude who you may know from some fairly unknown video game:

Another funny quote from Planescape:
Nordom: Attention; Morte. I have a question. Do you have a destiny? A purpose?
Morte: Is Annah still wearing clothes?
Nordom: Affirmatory.
Morte: Then the answer is yes.

Speaking of which... What do you endure?

Signed, Mireneye

onsdag 28 september 2011

The calling

In each and everyone of us there is a calling.

Some people are charcoal waiting to ignite with passion, some people are already in flames.

Tonight I feel refreshed. Refreshed yet tired. I have a bunch of ideas in my head and I have to start somewhere. So please remind me to write a list tomorrow. It's late here and I have a slight headache from tension in my neck so don't want to go too deeply into this.

But at least "The calling" is happening soonish. Travelling is something else I'm gonna try to focus on (because I need it like oxygen).

Some loose words just so that I won't forget... Hyperlights, photoshoot, cleaning Casa de la Mireneye, check of some things on my list at home, breathe...

(inhales... exhales)

Signed, Mireneye

tisdag 27 september 2011


Tonight i'm on fire.

Wanna do stuff so that's what I'm doing. Planning the next epic partalicious party at my place. "The calling".

Been thinking outside of my routines, breaking out into unknown territory. It's time I stepped out again, time to experiance new things and partially that is what I've been trying to do all this time.

The difference is the sense of attatchement.

I felt I had moved on yet I was still mentally, emotionally attatched. However that bond has now become a void. Attatchments like that hold me down and I'm to much of a free soul to be held down by my own emotions. They need to run free, be on fire and sometimes burn me. It's their nature.

I'd like to go out and meet some new faces, connect with new people.

I'd also would like to fall in love; But somebody told me not to look for it and it would come my way so I'll be trying that one out ;)

At a time all I could focus on was to do new things to fill my days with meaning. But nowadays I would almost like to lie down and rest or simply be, this is a good thing. I'm becoming more balanced, more stable.

Finding my balance on this huge spherical ball of madness.

And I leave you with human stupidity:

Signed, Mireneye

lördag 24 september 2011

The evening muse

I wish I had someone to hold at night
To wake up besides in the morning

To catch the scent of their newly showered hair
To play with

Someone to love and be loved by


What do what to do? panic.

MMA/Muai Thai?
Star wars marathon?
other movie marathon?

What will you do today? Inspire me.

måndag 19 september 2011


It's raining outside.

Sometimes I wish the rain could wash away my feelings

like it washes the earth.

lördag 17 september 2011

Growing wings

You are all so beautiful, so talented
To live by your side, to be your friend
Is like a dream in itself

And I can only hope I can shine
Shine as brightly on your skies
As thy have lit mine

Thank you all for years of inspiration
For housing my broken self

And for accepting me

I've tried so hard to be accepted
Yet with you it becomes so simple

You are the wind under my wings
And when you can't carry me any more

It's because of you
I learn how to fly


Feeling a bit sick. No energy. Have things I have to do yet I would prefer lying in the sofa, sleeping all day.

fredag 16 september 2011


There is a clear differance between acting alive and being alive.
I tried acting alive for a month or two. I even lived from time to time.

Sometimes I was a wreak of self-pity. At other times thankful that everything panned out the way it has and finally I had the times where anger was my only real friend and a fist to the wall was everything that could dull what lingered inside.

But that is about as dark as this story gets.

By myself but not alone I have grown stronger, somewhat wiser.

But it was not until two or three weeks ago that this knowledge and strength actually started to show itself.

There are a lot of small events that kicked me into this gear and I attribute every one of them to friends of mine. Even if you did not know exactly what you did it might have been as simple as sitting outside chilling and chatting about everyday topics. A simple example of one of the gears that turned me around.

I had a really nice day today. Taking care of my tattoo, hanging out with a friend at her apartment, watching the recording of "Haffus how to" commercial! and playing donkey kong for SNES and topping off the evening with going to another friends level-up (birthday for the non-nerd among us).

All in all I could not ask for a much better day other then feeling a bit feverish and with a hint of soar throat.

Work tomorrow.

Wish me luck!

Todays lol:


Signed, Mireneye

torsdag 15 september 2011

As promised ^^

I really have nothing more to say, other then:
Will you have a tattoo as well?
What will it be and why?
Or why are you not getting one?

Signed, Mireneye

onsdag 14 september 2011

It is done!

I tried to compare pain(s) today.

Needless (no pun intended). It wasn't all that easy. Sometimes when my good friend Linus gives me a massage it friggin hurts!

But in a totally different way.

The closest pain I could relate to, having this tattoo is bleaching my hair almost white in one sitting:

I hear people with black hair tend to wanna do more then one sitting? No silver shampoo used either. Btw this was years ago.

But if I had to endure one of the pains once again I think I would choose getting another tattoo. Funny aint it?

Very happy with the result. Will upload pictures later when it's healed ^^

Shortly after I grabbed a burger at Max with some friends. Thank you for the great company, you know who you are! And then I proceeded to meet up with some other friends to hang out, chill, yada yada.

Now I'm at work, typing these very sentances. Fascinating.

Take care and 'night!

Signed, Mireneye

Chaos and logic

The day has finally come ^^ Very exciting!

tisdag 13 september 2011

Wonderful world

Don't have the strength today to write more then a few sentances. Feeling maybe a bit sick. Not horribly, it just saps my strength. (Or maybe it was the arcade dance games that did that).

I leave you with this extrordinary picture:

Good night ^^
Signed, Mireneye

måndag 12 september 2011

Top o' the mornin' lads and ladies!

Today began with a bunch of choices. Get up was the most obvious one I really didn't want :P

The other choices that were presented to me were the following:
Visit a local cafe and chill out with some friends.
Visit a friends place and play some epic geeky games.


Play ITG at home and get a real workout. (This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWl-kxPYRU for people who doesn't know)

Needless to say a hard choice. Being the geek I am, i choose to visit my friend and play some epic geeky games.

Good morning ^^

Signed, Mireneye

söndag 11 september 2011

Universe love!

Had a CRAZY weekend!

Whoo. Where to begin? Kicked off on friday with some downtown madness after a REALLY slow morning. You know the ones where you kickstart yourself around 17:00? Well add another two hours and you'll qualify.

Visited Pipes of scotland at around nineish I joined up with two girlfriends(this is exactly what it sounds like) of mine. And also a newfound boyfriend ;) haha.

Some dudes joined our table later and we cheered and had deep discussions ranging from the sickest of jokes to Sokrates. I left early to catch a buss ride home.

Woke up the next morning, luckily! Time for work. I might add I have the best work conditions on earth yet. But at this point in life I'm so frustrated by doing it all the time that I have come to hate it. No more, no less.

After work I got home to prepare for club Sockerbeat. And after you've read this you'll know why I think that causality and I are a couple.

Got home and joined the competition for free entrance for me and two friends. Won! Then I joined a friend going with a car to Willys where I got batteries for my Flowtoys (get them at www.flowtoys.com video: http://www.youtube.com/user/flowtoys#p/u/14/4HXIDiGQD5c) commercial haha!

On my way to the buss I stood on the wrong station (Silly me!). But becuase the universe simply likes me two friends came by in a car and asked me if I was going down town. Sweet!

And to add up the perfectness of the evening when I hanged my clothes I recieved the "number one" card.

This evening was spectacular in every way imaginable. Great luck, great company. Good music and an awesome vibe.

What did you do on your last friday?

Todays lol:

Internet +1 Nasa 0.

Signed, Mireneye

fredag 9 september 2011

Ressurection of Miles


Been away for the longest time but I'm back with new goals and new visions. Bigger and better then before.

BUT also much wiser, more planned. And a certain newfound humbleness.

This will now be my main blog; Not only dealing with my lengthier travels but also about me and my life and what's going on right now. The travels of my "self".

So without further delay I welcome you to this new beginning.
In the next post I will tell you what's happening in my life.

And for the followers out there, is there something you'd wish I should do? write, leave a comment. Booyeah!

Signed, Mireneye.