Quote of the day

onsdag 28 september 2011

The calling

In each and everyone of us there is a calling.

Some people are charcoal waiting to ignite with passion, some people are already in flames.

Tonight I feel refreshed. Refreshed yet tired. I have a bunch of ideas in my head and I have to start somewhere. So please remind me to write a list tomorrow. It's late here and I have a slight headache from tension in my neck so don't want to go too deeply into this.

But at least "The calling" is happening soonish. Travelling is something else I'm gonna try to focus on (because I need it like oxygen).

Some loose words just so that I won't forget... Hyperlights, photoshoot, cleaning Casa de la Mireneye, check of some things on my list at home, breathe...

(inhales... exhales)

Signed, Mireneye
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