Quote of the day

torsdag 5 april 2012

Trial of a forgotten life

Sometimes when I look back at my past I almost feel so distant I'm not sure it's my own.

Who's to say I was the one who travelled back and fourth to Japan, lost a prototype levistick from Salza, met Yuta at hikari matsuri 2007?

Who, except my memories? I have nobody to tell my story, perhaps except those I met.

But the nature of life is not so simple, you don't really ask people to explain their first impression unless you are actively discussing the subject like close friends. Well, not normally.

At the moment of writing I'm slightly intoxicated, so bare with my horrible English.

I've put some energy into turning my upcoming trip to the US to the greatest trip I've been to so far. And some awesome alternatives has unfold before me. But who am I to take part in this wonderful future? And like Marianne Williamson, I must recite. Who am I not to?

I tend to come to this point in life from time to time and I always face the same dilemma. It is not the darkness that scares me, actually that silent, dark corner looks incredibly comfy and safe.

That is compared to going out there, knowing nothing. Taking a step forward again, transending you very being and as such, becoming something greater.

An evolution of the soul.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?" - Marianne Williamson

Now I do not believe in God. But this rings true in so many ways for me, that it is hard to explain how much it actually applies.

But I also have a principle in life that is based upon a quote of which It's true origin I don't know. The quote goes "If you want something in life, just reach out and grab it".

Ad that my friends is exactly how I do the things I do. I want to go abroad, BAM, somehow I fix it. I want to get an arcade dance machine BAM less then a year away. I want to become ferociously good at poi well... BAM ten years later :P

It's all in your mind.

Don't be scared to want something and to grab it. Don't care so much about the world around you, it will follow or not. What matters is your own dreams and goals.

I forgot my greatness at some point.

I'm on an adventure to rekindle that flame, if your on that path is all up to you.

And finally I want to thank everyone who joined my adventure this very night the 5th too the 6th of april, 2012. You are all awesome and shine so brightly.

Some of you are new stars on my sky, and you twinkle so beutifully.

'Night ^^

Signed, Mireneye
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