Quote of the day

fredag 6 april 2012

One flame

Do you happen to be the kind of person who believes in chance? In luck. A person who can work and honestly crave for a goal every day until it has been archived? Are you chaotic, spontaneous, a free soul, happy and good-natured? And do you carry confidence strong enough to know of your own beuty?

These are all things I value in a person, especially in a partner. They hardly represent everything, that would ruin the element of surprise.

But at least these are things I'd like to value, what actually gets to me might be something quite different and unique.

Like the way a certain person smiles, or the way they speak. Maybe their cheekbones or a peculiar and unique way they see things. Not neccesarily classically "intelligent" but at least different is usually enough to catch my attention.

One could go as far as to assume that normal bores me. That assumption is however gravely false. Normal is good, normal is safe and easy. It's calm and constructive. Difference is chaotic, it's not at all as safe and the results are sometimes good and sometimes bad.

But I prefer change, chaos and differance before order, calm and certain results.

I learn more and more every day about juggling the concept of order to survive out there in the world. And it's a scary thing for me, it involves so many things I don't perticularily enjoy. Like stress, dependancy, regularity and control.

If you share my concerns write a comment and explain what's on your mind.
And if you fit the description, maybe we should hook up? ;) Hahah.

Signed, Mireneye
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