Quote of the day

måndag 30 april 2012

Best Monday, crashed!

WOW! Today has been fun and it's most likely not even over yet!
But with great ups come great downs and I'm right now recovering from that 'down'. But all in due time. Let's begin where it all began.

I woke up this morning, my dad and my mom were going out so I had to stay and guard the dog, "sure" I said "but I need to be home by 13:00. So be quick!"

My mother being the one who would come home first promised that she would.

In the end I had to leave the apartment unguarded and the dog lonely, I had planned to meet up with a person I will henceforth refer to as Mike. Mike is a student (former student) of the NTI gymnasium, widely interested in media and such. We just recently met so we have yet to actually hang out and talk so much.

The plan was to meet up and play some arcade dance games at my place on my arcade before getting ready for Swedish "Valborg". A party in which you make a huge fire and people gather around and have the time of their life.

After an extensive two hour or so session of dance gaming Mike wen't home and I started rummaging through my clothes looking for an outfit for the evening. I settled for a black with grey details cyber dog t-shirt with some nice alternative styled black shorts and my red black army camo vest and to top it of a classy 1945 styled hat with a bunch of pins applied to it.

I was ready for action!

But what action exactly? I didn't really have a plan, I rarely do.

So I started by going downtown, while on the buss it hit me that a friend of mine, short readheaded thingy I will refer to as Chii for her interest in Japan and Anime and her awesome nature, had invited me earlier to dine with friends before going to Campus.

I was dead certain I was too late but I was actually right on time. I met up with Chii and ventured to Ålidhem. Where we met up with another newfound friend. By tradition, let's call him Charlie, no puns, guys, seriously, it's getting old ;) All I really know about Charlie is that he's an anime freak, he paints muscular men and he's an "oldfag".

Charlie, me and Chii chatted at the doorstep for a minute or so before going to the store where we met up with the fourth and final diner guest. We can call him Rolfi, I don't think he minds!

Rolfi is like me, interested in how the human mind works, he's probably a few steps ahead of me but I enjoy his company, it's fun knowledge to know and share with somebody like-minded-ish.

 When we got back to Charlie's apartment and while waiting for diner to cook itself magically (well I did and it worked). We sat down to watch anime and weird videos on Youtube. The actual meal continued the awesome wickedness that the mood of the videos and discussions that spawned from the videos had already established.

The food was chicken wrapped in bacon with potato moon slices (whatever they are actually called) and garlic bread, omnomnom!!! I almost cried while eating, in between one liners and cultural references to comedy galore.

I have seriously not had that much fun in ages!

What did Charlie put in the chicken?
I'm left to wonder eternally, hahah.

In any case, after the meal we all went down to Campus to watch the fire show. Met so many faces I know and had the BEST time walking down there. Love you guys, in a totally non homoerotic, no gay, not even touching with my stick way!

I shit you not, the very apex of the evening was right around the corner! Two minutes away when work calls me in and tells me I need to be there ASAP. Which means I had to leave right then, right there.

Sucked so majorly that it kind of ruined my night for a while. I was really sad and let down because I was promised that I would have a few minutes off to watch the show at least.

Only kind of, now I'm plotting a pen and paper role-playing session with my cousin and some friends. Not sure if we'll be in time to get it all together for tonight. I'm a bit moody that I had to leave that genuinely happy mood that I've lacked for a long time.

But I can't be moody too long when I look back at the day and I see your smiles!

Thank you from the depths of my heart,
you know who you are!

Signed, Mireneye
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