Quote of the day

onsdag 12 oktober 2011

I'm awesome!

(Had to review my life and take a look at what I have archived so far. This is totally my own ego boost but to some this might be a fun read. Oh and do listen to the music in the video above. It's appropriate!)

I've spread happiness and I have cared for others, even at the expense of who I am. A mistake I tend to do again and again and sometimes it hurts but at least I know I did something good. Even the smallest appreciation is a telltale sign that I did a differance.

I have fought time. Chasing the clock around the world to make it in time for a fire show in San Francisco. I've slept inside of a wooden skating structure in Umeå in plus two to five degrees celcius.

I've travelled to places friends dream of visiting. I've been stuck in the US without knowing how to get home. I've lived an adventurous life.

An old teacher told me when I was young that I would never become anything in my life. But I have lived with every breath and I have become so much more then I could ever imagine.

I've learned to move like a dancer when in my school days I couldn't even walk like my own kind.

I finished school even if I have always hated it more then pretty much anything else. For me there is only one true teacher and that is experience through living.

In my later days I fell in love and was able to melt the ice from her frozen heart. I even got to see the true person behind all of her scars. Something she didn't think was possible and something I'm very happy and proud of.

And I've loved. Ooh have I loved so passionately so creatively; In darkness, in candle light. And many other ways.

By harnessing the potential of the human body I have become more understanding, wiser, wilder. More mature and talented.

I've stood alone on stage performing with my own skills. People cheering for me, clapping their hands. I can hardly understand what greatness I have reached. What talent I have.

My goodness how I have grown.
More open, more fearless and more decisive.
More structured and planning yet more chaotic.

There is always much to learn but I have happiness in my life and I have goals. I have the entire world as my adventuring ground and nothing can stop me from doing what I want.

But no matter how awesome I am or how much the universe aligns with my luck; I can only move forward living with the consequences of my past actions. There is no going back, no regrets. No previous save points.

In the end I'm only one person looking for somebody to share my adventures with.
One fucking awesome person!

Signed, Mireneye
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