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söndag 30 oktober 2011

World design

I've created a bunch of worlds and concepts. Explored elaborate schemes of societies functioning at least semi-realistically or at least within it's own contained meta physics.

These are some of the things I've created:

Kynskavion - The first revision of Kynskavion. The first hint of what would be my cosmos wherein most of my stories connect. The story revolved around a creature with a curse driving him ever more evil. The story was no matter how much I want to deny it inspired by World of warcraft and Lord of the rings. It was also slightly inspired by Morrowind. There were also loose connections to Drakar och demoner and dungeons and dragons. The world was pretty archtypical. Planet with connection to a plane of demons and chaos. Battling gods and character in the middle as a catalyst for the story events. Also carries slight connections to Cthulhu mythos in it's wicked designs.

Lua VII - Was inspired mostly by Enders game and Advent rising. It was also a dark story, inspired by grim animes. And I also found a unique style that I still use today but more cleverly. The initial idea was to explain emotional or strong scenes in higher detail like it matters more to the characters. While everyday actions are almost purpusefully a bit mundane. The reader would live for the moments where the story shifted into a higher gear. Lua ended up as being a part of the ever expanding Kynskavion (Henceforth referred to as the revised editions Kinscavion) cosmos. This is also the first time I sat down to read up on elements I used in the story to make sure I used proper terms and cared enough to explain things properly as it would work in real life.

Iviaros - Simply an earth inspired planet. When I first developed Kynskavion it was bound to our real world, with earth. This was not looked kindly upon because as an author at the time I was not knowledgable enough to use reality as a base. I have since them learned the fine art of pre-study. And now I try to look up even the silliest forms of machinaé i use in my stories. Iviaros was my take on earth. Very similar yet very different.

Hexagonica - Hexagonica was a trip. I had played Planescape: Torment and I was hooked by the entire brilliance of the forgotten realms and their planar cosmos. However as much as it inspired me it was not the main inspiration. I remember sitting down to type a story containing some of the big poi artists in the world. I came as far to typing out a few names and some lines and before I knew it Hexagonica came into being. Between sleep deprived mornings and a certain loneliness I wrote what would become the origin story for Kinscavion. Hexagonica is also a contained cosmos in the way that I can always twist it to my hearts content. Anything can fit into it. HOWEVER not exactly. As I add more to it it everything starts to have a ripple like effect. Adding or changing one plane has a lot of effect on another. But for the longest time I just kept adding and it has become this extremely complex structure which only very open minded people can read and appriciate. Another inspiration was The longest journey and dreamfall. They basically blew my mind with their story and their presentation and they propelled me into some kind of philosophy mode in which I think I went nuts for a while. To have written Hexagonica, one must have been.

Kinscavion - Modern revision. Using Iviaros as base and much more mature and interesting. Most of the original story was revised.

Dialcs Omoun - Growing up I realized that my writing lacked something. I had always explored wicked and fantastical things and always went way out of my way to create something unique. Of course I also wanted to do that with Dialcs Omoun. However not in the same way. I don't know what inspired this story. I wanted to write alternative history. I wanted to write sci fi. But the most important thing. It had to be realistic. Futuretimeline.net here I come ^^ But not only in that sense. I wanted people to be able to relate to the characters. I wanted the characters to have substance, to have a life. I wanted emotions that I had missed out on before. I could always make scenarios and present them. And portray locations in an acceptable manner. However my characters always sucked big time. But this time is different. I'm still writing Dialcs Omoun, slowly. It's one of my biggest challanges yet. Instead of inspiration I have made homages to some of the things that have inspired me in the past. And I hope I can get back into writing. It's very likely that because of the existance of hoverbikes in Dialcs Omoun that in some shape shape and form it is a reimagined version of one of my oldest stories that I remember. Very silly and immature but I was eight when I wrote it. It was called "UneXplained" I got the big "X" thingy from Archive X and I was probably slightly inspired by lots of old sci fi. It had war written all over it. Some old video games like earlier Final fantasy probably inspired the story or fighting slightly. Ooh and also old tv cartoons like Turtles and of course Swat Kats. Another loose piece of inspiration for "UneXplained" is the SNES game U.N Squadron. It's funny but the existance of the hoverbike is the biggest similarity. And maybe an element of war. But I definietly feel how the stories are somehow related. Maybe it's my way of finishing something I started 16 years ago haha.

Next up are the world I've created as a game master not as a writer per say.

Cytralia - I like to call it the prehistoric Catonia. It's my first rough world that I created for roleplaying purposes. There was no real substance, only that I wrote some stores that were loosely based in a world wherein you have this super human race. The Cytralians. And that is basically all. It did contain a version of Suparby(Drunkvillage) which reocurrs in Catonia.

Katonien(Catonia) - A dark fantasy world on the brink of destruction from multiple sources. The first campaign taking place in Catonia took the players through a journey thwarting a power hungry politican to be demi god only to face the demon who had twisted the politicans mind, manipulating him behind the scenes. Catonia has a twin world called Akkadia. While Catonia represented chaos. Akkadia represented logic. Again I was slightly inspired by The longest journey, even in the naming of Akkadia and also with it's concept of balancing logic and chaos.
Many of my smaller campaigns happened in isolated parts of Catonia. And through playing it so often without any properly written documents I know it fairly well, having rebooted the planet five times for new players. An example of the fauna are the Fandarin, the Kidipp and the Piloo. I will not go into detail about their specifics but lets just say they are a jolly bunch of entertaining and interesting creatures.

Ae'di Draem - A planar world where the four elements and mother nature clashed and mother nature created the "tamers". A race that would tame the elements so that the world could be created. When boasting about Ae'di Draem I bask in the glory of writing the language the inhabitants speak and I talk about the brilliance of having a race of hive mind aliens who develop indvidually and become less and less hive minded only for one of them to become intelligent enough to use the old system to govern the entire race.

Unnamed interior dungeon world - Heavily inspired by the dark fantasy style of Demons souls and dark souls in it's style and excecution. Instead of planes and planets it all seemed like one gigantic dungeon with lots of open spaces. The ceiling would leek dark miasma from which demons would appear. Digging into the unknown without proper equipment was dangerous. The limit to how much the world could expand was unknown. Highly lethal world with underground organisations trying to save what is left of a corrupted and twisted society while having their own agenda. But akin demons souls the story is minimalistic and the main point is survival.

Dynasthir - A more structured world which contains the above mentioned unnamed dungeon world. I'm currently writing Dynasthir and just now made the connection. This could very well become a new cosmos for many stories to come.

Unnamed living organism planet - A world inspired by Final fantasy and The golden compass with my own unique twist. At the center of the planet there's a heart that keeps the planet alive. Through technology and magic the inhbitants have kept the planet alive for hundreds of years. The surface has become home to extremely dangerous creatures, insects, you name it. Most people fear ever nearing the surface and keep to themselves down underground. The planet get the heat from two distant suns. There is also a moon in orbit. The nature of the moon is however shrouded in mystery. Crystals power everything, there are red and blue crystals. The red ones are organic and more or less a "piece of mind" of the organism. The blue ones represents the planets reserved energy resources.

Unnamed sky island world - Created alongside my old flame. She helped me flesh out some of the lore and this has since then become one of my favorite crations. There are four islands floating far above the clouds. From the n, e , s, w extreme sides long morbid arms reach towards the sky holding onto a crystal. The crystal contains a powerful entity demon or something similar, these enteties are trapped and used as a means to hold the islands afloat. The continents are divided into extreme time zones. The top one is almost always dark, almost always rain. The ones in the middle has a normal climate while the bottom continent has a warm, temperate climate and almost always sun. Also nobody ever dares go beneath the clouds because nobody has ever returned.
The truth behind the islands is that long ago a powerful mage lifted the islands from the planet on an order by a great council. The islands would henceforth be used as a large prison. For hundreds of years they sent their prisoners there. One day they stopped and the sky islands were forgotten. However the prisoners of sky island lived on for generations and a whole new society sprung from the outlaws.

I have probably forgot some. But I will update as I recall them.

Signed, Mireneye
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