Quote of the day

måndag 3 oktober 2011

The spirit on the inside

This is a recap of a wonderful weekend.

Switching around my work schedule enabled me to go to the event I had planned weeks ago, the clubnight Tompe le monde.

After leaving work and coming home i switched into topgear and started hyping with music, taking a shower anddressing up for the night and making sure everything was perfect. Then I made my way swiftly to the pre-party at a friends house on the other side of town. We had some fun with drinking games and laughed. I used my mental intuition to get an edge in the game however the other smart players were great competition and I think in the end it was a pretty even game.

When we arrived outside of Tromp le monde, the two of us me and one of the guys who were at the pre-party climbed over the fence. Because it looked like a fun thing to do then we proceeded to the area where they let people inside.

Beeing on the list (thanks to Skäggulken himself) me and my friend were let inside no problemo. The most curious thing was that my friend was just accepted without further ado. Really neat.

Inside I went into party mode! Talked to lots of girls, haf lots of fun. One girl recognized me from Subway where i had commented on the sandwhich she was getting for herself. Sweet girl, wonder if I will meet her again someplace, sometime. Umeå is big, but it aint that big.

I went outside to say goodbye to some friends and then I was not allowed inside again. WTF? 25-30 minutes left and I can't come inside? I didn't appear that drunnk to them I'm certain of that. More people were also getting rejected. However when one of the guards moved away to do something else I snuck in anyhow ^^ I'm so evil sometimes.

When the night was wrapping up I was dancing around before the dj booth and hung out a bit with a girl who is also like me a fire/light/contemporary circus artist. Crazy ^^ I could really feel in my body afterwards that I party hard.

The night ends with me feeling pretty damn whoozy walking without a real idea if I'm walking in the right direction. But hey? I'm always able to find my way home. After a while my head clears up enough and I contact some friends. One of my drivers has already made her way home and I'm kind of down to the only option for me. Which is walking.

Another friend was able to pursuade me into taking a taxi to her place so we could both get some food. At this point I realized that I hadn't eaten today because I had been so focused on planning for the night that I forgot. So food sounded like an excellent idea.

Had a real pleasant talk, ate really good food. Got hit in the head with a frying pan. The usual stuff.

After that there aint much more to tell. I spent the night there, sleeping for an hour before I had to wake up and go to work. Haha. A plan of my own awesome design.

After a day of work I could finally come home realizing.. damn. Now that I'm free from work, I'm getting sick. Coughing and feeling really sore in my body.

And that's what I've been feeling all day. Only now letting up a little bit.

Signed, Mireneye
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