Quote of the day

måndag 17 oktober 2011

Lost souls

Many of my friends are going through a tough time right now.
This is dedicated to them.


I have a friend who's lost, wandering within his own darkness. Someone with a beautiful mind. A person who knows where his heart is at. I will never understand his pain fully for it is too great. The burden he carries is so heavy and he carries it so well and I'm utterly impressed by his effort. He is an amazing fellow and I'm happy to be his friend. I know I can never substitute somebody he can share his heart with fully but I stand behind him trying to give him the push so that he may grow wings of his own.

I have a friend who's denied the sacurity and safety of a resonable man who can hold her firmly and take care of her. She is constantly beeing pushed away always having to wait. The unfairness that she endures because of this sorry excuse of a man she can't help beeing attracted too is unbarable. Yet she carries it, she is among the toughest girls I know and she is amazing. Simply amazing. In her frail body her mind is so strong that I suspect her personality will make her shell burst any moment. All you really need my friend is somebody waiting with you and I can be there for as long as you need me.

I have a friend who like me endures true love unanswered. Going through every day believing, tricking himself that one day something might change. You know what they say? The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do. And boy, you are crazy aplenty. You are worthy of something great, you are worthy of happiness and I know that you will find it. I believe in you and that is all I have to say to you. Believe in yourself and that you are worthy. Worthy of caring, worthy of love. Let go of your confusion and live life, things will come your way.

I have a friend who recently lost her love. And she is now confused, lonely yet she seems to be so tranquil. She hides her true feelings and I understand why. Hell so would I. So many thing she keeps deep within herself constantly bashing the locks she has so conviniently constructed. The truth is my friend you endure to much and you try so hard to be strong. You are fucking super strong! But sometimes you have to allow yourself to be weak. I welcome you with open arms giving you a comforting hug and you may not be much for tears so let me cry for you. It's time to heal the scars and you know it. All you need to do is go forward. You are so talented, so wise yet choosing the correct way to go is always difficult. But I have faith in you my friend.

I have a friend who is hunted by her past, hunted by bad experiences. She seems cursed, yet she lives her life fully. She enjoys many things and when she is happy it's like the world smiles with her. When everybody else gives up she keeps fighting, especially for others. But she is chained to her own fears. She appears to have wings for it's her nature to be free and she has all the potential in the world yet she sees so little. If I could I would break those chains and I hope that by simply beeing around, the chains will start to erode and in her eyes they will break and then she can finally be free. She is so beautiful but still nothing compared to what she can be if she could take the step. She needs no fear for she has friends ready to help her and she is strong enough to do most of it on her own. She simply needs to allow herself the good things in life and then become whatever she wants. She has destiny in the palm of her hand.


I can only hope that I can shine as brightly on your skies as you have lit mine. I'm thinking of you and when I do I smile, for I have truly wonderful friends and I wish for you all an amazing and happy life.

Signed, Mireneye
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